Song :
D Bm7 Em7 A7 D
Have you seen the well-to-do
Bm7 Em7 A7
up and down Park Av - e - nue?
F Dm Gm7 C7
On that famous thoroughfare
F Dm Gm7 C7
with their noses in the air,
A F#m Bm7 E7
High Hats and Arrow collars
A F#m Bm7 E7
white spats and lots of dollars
F#m C#aug F#m7 B7
Spending every dime
E7 A7 A7aug
for a wonderful time.
Instrumental :
Dm F Bb7 A7
If you're blue
and you don't know
where to go to,
Why don't you go
A7 A7sus A7
where fashion sits?
Dm F Bb7 A7
Puttin' on the Ritz.
Different types
who wear a day coat,
pants with stripes
And cutaway coat,
A7 A7sus A7
perfect fits,
Dm Dm7
puttin' on the Ritz.
Gm GmMaj7 Gm7 C9
Strolling up the av - e - nue so happy,
F C7 F
All dressed up just like an English chappie
Bb7 A7
very snappy!
Come let's mix where
walk with sticks
Or "umber-ellas"
A7 A7sus A7
in their mitts,
Dm Dm7
puttin' on the Ritz.
Bridge 2:
Gm GmMaj7 Gm7 C9
Dressed up like a million dollar trouper,
F C7 F Bb7 A7
Trying hard to look like Gary Cooper super duper
You'll declare it's
simply topping
to be there And
hear them swapping
A7 A7sus A7
smart tid - bits
Dm F Bb7 A7
Puttin' on the Ritz,
Dm F Bb7 A7
Puttin' on the Ritz,
Dm Dm6
Puttin' on the Ritz !