Pete Wendling George Whiting I'll Be Blue, just Thinking Of You
Song :
I'm walking 'round in circles,
trying to forget
D7aug G D7
That I ever fell in love with you
I'm walking 'round in circles
F# Bm
ever since we met
D G A7 D D7
What else is there left for me to do?
G D7 G
I'll be blue, just thinking of you
D7 G G6 D7
And worrying too from now on
Am D7
I'll be kind of easy to find
Am D7 G
With you on my mind from now on
I thought we'd play a while
Forget to say goodbye
A A7
But the memory of your smile
D D7
Just makes me want to cry
G D7 G
I'll be blue, just thinking of you
A7 D7 G
And loving you too from now on
F C7 F
I'll be blue, just thinking of you
C7 F F6 C7
And worrying too from now on
Gm C7
I'll be kind of easy to find
Gm C7 F
With you on my mind from now on
I thought we'd play a while
Forget to say goodbye
G G7
But the memory of your smile
C C7
Just makes me want to cry
F C7 D7
I'll be blue, just thinking of you
Ddim7 D A7 F
And loving you from now on
C# F
I'll be so blue